Talk comments

A subject that all Magento 1 to Magento 2 developers could do with hearing about. Covers the technical and project management difficulties on a real-life project moving to Magento 2.

Really interesting talk about correctly validating your user inputs (and your output)

Probably the most relevant talk for me all day. Well presented and Fabrizio clearly knows his stuff.

I probably didn't get the full benefit of this talk by not going to the workshop. Helped to cover off some of the complaints and misunderstandings with UI components.

Nice overview of design patterns and clean code.

Very well presented and covered a range of topics.

Very useful tips and something which all Magento developers would benefit from knowing.

Very interesting talk and a good insight into how to approach refactoring large modules.

Really interesting talk and a really good introduction into why you should try and program in a functional way.

Excellent as usual.