Talk comments

Excellent presentation. Stephanie is certainly experienced and enthusiastic. My only tip is to include more real-world examples.

The presentation was good, but I feel the audience wasn't quite right. It would better serve a less developer-heavy audience, asking questions like "Why do we use PHP?"

This was a good sessions. Jack is clearly knowledgable, and enthusiastic, about the subject.

Video here:

Anonymous at 12:32 on 29 Mar 2015

Excellent... where is the video??

Learning to do things the right way is a big reason I attended MidCamp. This session provided information I will definitely put to use soon, thanks.

Edit: bonus points for keeping a presentation interesting for a last session on a Saturday.

Great demo - the incremental addition of code was particularly helpful in showing exactly how it was all put together. Bonus points for having a GitHub link I could use to browse code while you presented!

Good demo and explanation. Not yet sold on whether it's a useful tool for my purposes, but it's useful to see the tools in action.