I've used phing in the past and got some great new ideas for how I can use it in the future.
I learned some things that will help me avoid security issues. Thanks!!
Excellent presentation! Spoke fast, but clear and kept the room alive with wit. Easy to remember specific talking points with humor... "google is like a hot dog".
I wish I could share Josh's presentations with our clients - I wasn't planning on attending this session but the responsive talk was so good I didn't want to miss it.
I was hoping for some pointers for best practices on securing data in a PHP environment. Great info though and Anthony was a smart and engaging speaker.
Great overview of the why and how with good pointers to resources for more info. Really enjoyed this one.
A live demo would have been great and the mic was a problem. Very good info on what to expect from a paas provider.
Great talk with good pointers of where to start looking for code chunks to refactor!
A little higher level overview of the moving parts between backbone and the server code would have been helpful - could use a little more organization and some design help with the slides.
Great examples and a good reminder that there's more to creating value for a client than writing the application.