phpCE is a first edition of a community conference for PHP programmers and enthusiasts. The meeting was established by merging two nation-wide events: PHPCon Poland and Brno PHP Conference.


Functional testing made easy with PHPUnit & Selenium
Workshop by Ondřej Machulda
Let your tests drive your development
Workshop by Michelangelo van Dam
Demonstrating advanced layouts and block management in Symfony based web solutions
Workshop by Ivo Lukač
Eventual Consistency - Desining Fail Proof Systems
Talk by Grzegorz Skorupa
Behat - Zaimplementowałeś kilka scenariuszy, Co dalej?
Talk by Grzegorz Skorupa
Agile 101
Talk by Bartosz Boguszewski
The GDPR is coming, are you ready?
Talk by Michelangelo van Dam
Modern Testing with Codeception: Tips and Tricks
Talk by Michael Bodnarchuk
IoC containers beyond constructor injection
Talk by Hannes Van De Vreken
Mikroserwisy nie są lekiem na całe zło
Talk by Maciej Malarz
Journey through "unhappy path" - Dealing with exceptional conditions
Talk by Nikola Poša
Getting started with PHP core development
Talk by Arnout Boks
Start Smoking, Get Confidence - HTTP Smoke Testing
Talk by Petr Heinz
Constructing a Test Pyramid: Because Your Tests Needs Architecture Too
Talk by Michael Bodnarchuk
Introduction to the Semantic Web
Talk by Arnout Boks
Uncommon (Ab)Uses of Composer
Talk by Alain Schlesser
Async PHP requests & reactive responses with php-fpm
Talk by Holger Woltersdorf
Diving deep into blockchain
Talk by Tomasz Kowalczyk
Middleware-based architectures
Talk by Matthieu Napoli
Building an Open-Source Campaign Platform for the new President of France
Talk by Hugo Hamon
What we learned by merging two big Symfony based applications
Talk by Ivo Lukač
Infrastructure as Code
Talk by Sebastian Grodzicki