It's good to see someone so passionate about a technology that you don't hear a lot about in the PHP eco-system.
Watch out though for selling POMM to obvious because sometimes it felt like a sales pitch.
Very interesting talk! The theory is a bit dull information at first, but when the story about your personal situation is added it makes complete sense.
Presenting wise there are still steps to make. There is no need to be nervous about something you can tell by experience. That will definitely make it even more interesting already is.
Inspiring keynote that can be given at any tech conference! Good style of presenting... and the pace was perfect as well.
I got the message! Thank you!
Great concise talk - some of the points were a bit obvious if you work in an environment where coding standards are high - although we are not all OOP PHP gurus ..yet !
Great talk with a live run through of features. Worth viewing the slides in the link above.
Really good talk, with some great advice that I took away from it. It was a great end to the conference.
I'm not sure what I expected from this talk, but afterwards, I don't think it was for me.
I didn't agree with some of what was said, but I think most of that is because I've had a vastly different experience working with other developers than the speaker has.
He was also a bit of a nervous speaker, and apologised for it a few times, but I don't think it was as big an issue as he seemed to think. He spoke clearly, and had some entertaining points in the talk.
It was a really interesting case study, especially since I have been part of a vehicle search/sell project before, and search was one of the largest issues we faced.
I would have liked a bit more about ElasticSearch, but it was interesting hearing about Solr too.
I'm definitely going to keep an eye on where ElasticSearch is going.
A lot of this seemed to be only relevant to certain situations, and I didn't agree with some of what was discussed.
In general it was a good talk, but I didn't take as much away from it as I had expected to.
To prevent the fact that the talk was really short you could have added some 'real' screenshots about Hubot. It doesn't have to be the real deal as in the Github situation, just make it anonymous if possible. Because I expected some of this based on your abstract.
I think it would be beneficial to the cool subject.
Still, thanks for the talk, because I will definitely take a closer look at Hubot now.