Talk comments

Started well, some good tips on Jenkins and Git, too much on PHPUnit which at the end didn't leave time for the real stuff I was waiting for. I sincerely thanks Sebastian for the useful information but I would suggest to skip PHPUnit when re-playing this talk.

Advanced, understandable, good pace and code on github - Amazing!

I loved the talk, never forget the final user - something not so obvious as we might think

Good talk. I kept thinking I'd seen it before - and realised I had in Barcelona where I think he had a similar afternoon. I didn't learn all that much from the talk - but the q&a's afterwards were very useful.

Great detail and knowledge from the speaker (as with all of his other talks I've seen). For me it would have been better if it was more Cassandra vs mongo vs blah blah. Etc.

Cinder looked useful. Might make me reconsider moving off vim ... Perhaps.

I'd hoped it would cover the ec2 sdk and so on. It did come across a lot like a marketing talk from amazon unfortunately.

We've already done some iOS / android app dev so a large part of the talk wasn't new to me - however it did confirm some of our own findings. I did like the zf views / views-mobile example.

Good. Useful talk to remind us users aren't necessarily (!!) idiots.

Seemed to get worse as the day went on. Was working, but struggling seriously at times.

on WiFi