Talk comments

Agree with Mike here.

The first half described WoW :), Scrum, XP and using TDD (PHPUnit) - excluding the former, these are not new topics to the PHP community (or certainly those attending the conference). Felt like this talk could have been combined with the Continuous Improvement talk (which was slow to start) to make for a more complete hour.

Knowledgable speaker and your experience from the trenches (CI systems, pair programming and tools to avoid), static analysis tools, latent code patterns and internal quality was interesting.

The message I took away from this and other talks was "Run a CI server even if you don't have unit tests".

This was possibly the best talk of the day for me. Thanks for the insightful presentation, shame time constraints meant Q&A was cut short. One concept not covered during the talk was performing GROUP BY's in Elastic search, is this done via facets?

A well presented talk, the topic of migrating a large application between frameworks possibly ahead of the curve? Few, if any in the audience seemed to face this problem yet. Would be interested to see Stuart return in two years time once Gradwell have completed their move to a component based architecture.

Great talk, Andrei's and your talk were the best of the day for me. The right balance of high level overview and more detailed technical implementation, especially considering the time constrains. Very interesting topic.

A very informative talk with a good use of examples and feedback to audience participation; especially considering it was his first time in front of an English-speaking audience.

A really valuable talk both for Ian's superbly personable and readily relatable style and for the breadth and depth of the subject knowledge. It has inspired me to integrate 0MQ into an existing project.

I find Sebastians deadpan, european style quite amusing, it adds an air of mystery to his talks and he catches me unaware with some of his jokes, which leave me smiling.

This talk left me a little disappointed though, it started well; drawing similarities between WoW and development teams, which was a good idea, but then dove headlong into PHPUnit. We know Sebastian is responsible for the best PHP Unit Testing framework out there at the moment, I can find talks and literature on PHPUnit on the net, while it's nice to have the author talk about it, there was nothing that really stood out. I expected more around the agility side of things and less around PHPUnit. While there were some good points on quality and continuous integration etc, on the whole there just wasn't enough content relevant to the topic. It felt like: IntroductionPHPUNITPHPUNITPHPUNITPHPUNITPHPUNITPHPUNITContinuousIntegrationDarkLaunchesQandA.

The slides were OK, I like lots of images in presentations as I'm more interested in what the speaker is saying than reading the slides, some of the images were irrelevant to the talk though. That said, I had no idea what the text on the slides said from the back of the hall!

Sebastian is very knowledgable and well read, I'd like to see a longer QA as the off-the-cuff stuff from him is always very good, clear and concise.

Overall, the talk was average, with some good points but, fundamentally, it was a talk about PHPUnit and it's friends.

Good and informative talk about patterns, what they are and what they aren't.

Informative good talk. Well presented.