Talk comments

Fun enough talk with some good & funny anecdotes but I felt it lacked helping us to real solutions. Bit too short too!

Good to see some nice new features coming and another open source alternative.

Great Talk, I really enjoyed it. Great introduction to using statsd and graphite. I have been inspire to convince work we need to be using them.

I thought this talk was a bit slow, but quite interesting none the less. Good to see PHP being used with huge scale data

I liked this talk, nice easy start to the day with a bit of food for thought and quite entertaining

Anonymous at 09:15 on 22 Feb 2014

A mature approach by someone who very obviously has a careful interest in this subject. Coped very well with a technical issue as well. A good speaker.

I'd been expecting a bit more for those already aware of normalization techniques, so it wasn't a talk for me....

but I appreciate how few developers understand (or even know about) normalization and what it entails, so as a talk targeted at those unfamiliar with database design it was probably very useful and hopefully those who attended will take heed of the recommendations it made in future if it wasn't something they were already familiar with

The talk outlined some of the basic obstacles of participating in Open Source projects, while looking at some of the benefits of doing so.... as such, it was never intended to be a "technical talk" and was all about the human element of participation.... and the Q&A was extremely useful

Amusing talk basically bashing SPL and saying why its crappy. I think I'll be avoiding the SPL in the future.