Talk comments

Anonymous at 15:41 on 24 Feb 2014

Having just done a small project using AngularJS I went in with a bit of knowledge. Nate spoke well and entertaining opening to the talk. There were times where some things were over my head but i guess if you are a newbie at Angular, its something that is best demonstrated in a workshop, tutorial type of presentation. However there was a few demos towards the end which showed the power of how easy it is to create something, and Im looking for the slides as there was a link to something which I think I will find useful for the future.

Its hard to remember everything off the top of my head, but I remember the beginning being good, drifted a bit in the middle, then picked up good towards the end again. The resources provided should be handy once I get my grubby hands on them :D

As James Shaw highlighted, a bit more time on where/how to use OPcache might have been more beneficial?

We already use OPCache with PHP 5.5 so I was hoping to see some configuration options or maybe some optimisation tips. What the talk covered was instead, a rather interesting and detailed explanation about how it all works, rather than any configuration/optimisation.

Not sure what I can take away from this talk.

Great speaker, and very detailed explanation of how it all works with great accompanying slides.

The best talk all weekend for me. I definitely learned the most here, and will definitely see how we can improve our i18n and l10n in our platform.

Thanks Andrei!

I was 5 minutes late to attend this so I couldn't fit in the room. People were overcrowding around the corner and I could hardly hear the speaker...

On the plus side, 4 of my work colleagues attended, and said it was amazing. So I guess I shall watch the recording once it's uploaded :)

Echoing some of the comments on here, I think this would be great talk if you knew a little about AngularJS to begin with. I went to this not 100% sure what Angular even was. I couldn't really relate to it either, which made it difficult to take much away.

That said, Nate was a great speaker, and clearly understood the subject. Maybe my bad for choosing this talk.

That's valuable feedback Tom. Thanks for taking the time to comment so elaborately.

Pretty interesting stuff, definitely will use these methods to find our our peak work rate / capacity is, (and in turn how we can bill clients), what causes issues, how to make a system usage dashboard etc. Well delivered too!

A well presented guide to the basics of Vagrant and the main provisioners that was engaging and entertaining. I would've preferred a bit more on the differences between the three provisioners that were covered and a bit less time spent on Vagrant itself, but then the talk was aimed as more of an introduction than a comprehensive overview.

Very interesting and despite the fairly heavy subject matter, everything was explained clearly and well enough that I could follow despite not having much experience with OPCache or the underbelly of PHP. I think fewer examples of opcode optimisations and a bit more time on where/how to use OPCache might've been more beneficial to me, but that would probably be better to cover in another talk.