Didn't expect such an awesome finish of the conference:) Alongside this, a lot of "keywords" that worth investigating were mentioned.
Nice info although not a bit dry at times. But always good to know.
Presentation skills leave room for improvement
Inspirational and motivational, nothing more to add here! I will certainly buy the DVD of this one! Even without extra stuff added to it!
The long intro summarizing the news could have been a lót shorter. And the rest after it came down to "train someone to do audits", or "call secundity".
If you read php.net/security and find yourself reading the red boxes in the manual, this talk wasn't really adding something more to it, or clearing anything up. It would for one benefit from more technical additions, and real code examples, so the auditing becomes really a part of the daily development, by not making often made mistakes.
There are also a lot of tools mentioned in here, but without telling how one can actually benefit from them, and what they are good or bad at.
So for me, the talk missed to answer the only question I had: "how to make security audits an integral part of PHP application development"...
Awesome afterparty!
Great closing keynote!
Interesting topic for a PHP conference. The content was good, slides were clear and good looking. I hope your talk will raise awareness for developers of all skill levels. Sharing knowledge is important to grow.
Very, very entertaining, solid presentation!
Interesting talk. I am not a remote worker, but i liked the tips about setting up a working environment and to take away the laptop to the outdoors every now and then.
Nice and quick talk about the basic perks of the Symfony2 framework. Some elements could have been covered more like testing and form validation.