Talk comments

Enjoyed this talk, learned a lot. Perhaps leave the word "Performance" out of the title?

I loved how "real" this talk was. You can easily read or watch talks about refactoring, testing, design patterns and have no idea how to actually do these things in practice.

Try and find a way to speed up the actual coding, perhaps you could prepare a small set of small macro's?

I should've browsed the PostgreSQL documentation for 15 minutes instead of attending this talk.

I feel like this should've been a lightning talk. Yes, inspiring at times but I felt like there was a lot of "filler" in there.

I had read about "Model Storming" in the past but this workshop really put the pieces together for me.

You wouldn't say that this was a first-time-speaker, could've easily sat there a couple more hours listening to him talk about cars and his experiences driving them.

interesting to see what to expect from hhvm,what it can do and where it adds new cool things. loved the total honesty about what sucks at the moment and what it does massively good right now.

since you said only five stars else dont bother, 4

very i teresting talk, nice it was framework independent.

thanks for telling us that we are doing it all wrong ;-) . you definatly know what you are doing and know how to present and explain things well.

i had some annoyance with the fact that a lot of sentences were followed with 'right?' maybe it was so because it caught my attention and kept on coming back