Talk comments

I walked around with 4 items on my card, and just started up ZürichPHP, so, thank you for the extreme inspiration and for sharing great insights :)

Interesting presentation although I was expecting something completely different when reading the abstract.
I don't think the presentation cured my fear of javascript.

But Kudos Tom, the story was well brought, the presentation didn't have a dull moment and it was easy to follow.

Very insightful talk about Kanban. Loved to notice a few differences with our approach at Yoast! Very happy with the reminder of the need for incremental change! I also liked the scrum bashing, because I think it was not meant to be taken that seriously, but more as way to put things a little more on edge (at least that's how I took it). Just a couple of points:

- I think a lot of devs are using scrum as a means to their actual (far more important) end, which in most cases will hopefully be Agile software development and continuous delivery. In those cases they are probably not being too meticulous about sprint lengths, estimations etc. Many of the downsides of Scrum disappear when going about it flexibly. Unfortunately some companies seem to think the scrum master role is not just a role, it's an actual job...
- That said, I think the quickest path from scrum to Kanban in any organization is simply shortening the sprints. Go from two week sprints to one week sprints to daily sprints... Eh, right.... Kanban!
- I think the pull principle in Kanban could have been more strongly emphasized. There's much truth in this idea that people don't get work pushed their way, they pull it in themselves, never juggling around more balls than they can manage at a given time.

In the beginning, I found you very easy to listen to, quite clear and informative. I thought you were taking it easy, which I think is a good thing when introducing a subject. However, after 20 minutes or so, I expected the talk to go somewhere, some point to be made, a general idea to be expressed.

This wasn't really the case. You continued covering different aspects of Go, but never really got to the "Low-Level PHP" side of things, nor to the "Getting Things done with Go" side. Even though I found your talk very interesting, I came out of your talk with only a very fragmentary understanding of what you were (probably) trying to convey.

I think for a PHP conference, your tutorial covered pretty much all the topics it should cover. I got a lot of easy gains from it, which I hope to take with me in my day to day work. Presentationwise I think you were very clear and easy to listen to.

I felt the urge to rewrite my json API endpoints in go after this talk. Great introduction.

Very nice step by step refactoring towards a great event based system. Also nice to see both the up and the downsides.

I found this talk to be quite inspiring. It was great to see some of the successes and failures of the experiments that Mathias had been a part of.

Too often I find myself making plans based on assumptions I've never tried out. I can see how this has kept me from learning things I would not have been able to find out otherwise. "In brainstorming you are supposed to generate ideas and create options, not kill ideas."