Talk comments

This talk by Anatoly turned out to be a pretty decent overview of the core principles of Domain-Driven Design. He told the story of how Sparkcentral decided to try and migrate their system to DDD.

Implementing Domain-Driven Design can be a complicated thing to try and show. I think Anatoly did a great job both giving a broad overview of what Domain-Driven Design is and also showing which decisions they faced and how they ultimately chose to implement those parts of the system.

Good wake up call because we belong to that 45%.

Interesting info about PHPCompatibility.
Also like to hear more about that!

Very nice introduction and overview of the most common vulnerabilities.

Appreciated the info and tips for testing tools.

Perfect opening keynote!
Very well presented.

Also very inspiring.

A good subject and you did very well for your first talk. Keep it up and do more talks!

Some room for improvement: I was expecting you would talk about data definition migration, not about transforming actual data. In the end, i think labling this talk as "Doctrine Migration" is putting the wrong focus. It was much more a talk about refactoring a legacy database. Doctrine Migrations was merely a tool to that, but there is not that much to say about it. Try to structure the talk around migrating a legacy database: Explain some database design principles (there is also theory for normalization levels which could be mentioned and used to structure that part a bit more) and then be more specific on the data cleanup steps, with concrete examples. Explain how you in the end did the incremental migrations, ...
Database refactoring is an interesting topic and you have interesting insights and hands-on tips on that.

Interesting talk, I enjoyed it. Lets see where is going - maybe one day you can build that talk on top of existing components for most of the features!

The way you present the talk has some room for improvement: Be more structured and clear what you talk about, reduce the code on the slides.

great talk delivered in an excellent way, thanks a lot!
only point that might be improved: i was a rather mislead by only having seen the title on the schedule and not reading the abstract. maybe think about the title again, high performance is very generic.

I can't compare this to last year (I wasn't there) but the closing remarks went smooth, nice pace. For me personally the show could have ended right there. Maybe it was because I was in the front row, but the magic show only had 2 tricks that I as a noob couldn't figure out on the spot. It didn't add anything for me. On the bright side, I didn't feel like this was needed either. The day already was packed with awesomness, as was the day before.

I enjoyed the talk - after having heard of Go a couple of times and then being really not excited when looking at how low-level it is (no OO...) this talk made me actually want to try it.

I agree with comments proposing to use an even simpler example (although i see the value of a real example versus a contrieved one). The title was creating a wrong expectation for me too, even though you explained the analogy with PHP 4. Just call it something like "Small and efficient tools with Go" :-)