Talk comments

I really liked how this talk was put together, rather than a theoretical one, you had an actual use case which always makes things better. I've always wanted to have a proper look into DDD, and this really helped put me on the right path on how to get started.

I like the fact you included an example code layout, even if it was theoretical. The main problem I have when creating new classes is naming them, and where they live within the application, so seeing that example really helped. Also how it that tied in with the bonding contexts helped too.

The talk inspired me to go and home and review my own code to see if moving to DDD would benefit, and if possible I'll try and slowly migrate as time goes on, so thanks for that.

This talk really helped give me the intro into Neo4j that I needed. I've been wanting to have a play with it for a while, but after hitting some installation problems I put it on the back burner, your talk inspired me to pick it back up, though! With that being said, maybe have a slide in on where you can get the code to get up and running with a Vagrant box or something?

I think usage of OmNomHub was great, and the recipe concept really works well to illustrate the power Neo4j has to offer. I know towards the end of the talk you mentioned some of the more complex uses it has (especially that health insurance one :/) to offer, even in omNomHub. You mentioned that after a while it can predict potential recipes you may like, it would've been cool to see some examples on that, as I know I'd be interesting in working that kind of functionality into my applications, and seeing a concept on how it was done would have been interesting.

I'm always a sucker for a bit of code in slides, so I was hoping for a bit more on that side, but the WebUI works great for getting to know Neo4j so I got past that one. One suggestion when using the WebUI though, maybe use a browser stylesheet to resize the query box so the full query is always available? I know when you end up doing complex queries, the complex stuff is at the end and out of view, so would have been nice to see it.

Being able to see what it's capable of, and how easy it is to get started really helped me pick it back up, so I thank you for that! I think it would have been nice to see some of the more complex and complicated usages for Neo4j, but that may be out of the scope of the talk. You've also inspired me to do a talk of my own, so also, thanks for that :)

I really related to this talk, and it helped me take an important lesson from it. You mentioned that when you're learning Go putting everything in one file is ok, as that's what you did with PHP. I'd totally forgotten that, and sometimes when you're learning a new language or a new concept it's ok to keep things in one place until you're ready to organise your code better.

I thought the intro to Go itself was great, and since I'd never looked into it before, but had always wanted to, this worked great for me. I've known for a while that some of the projects I have planned may well need Go's ability to handle request volume, but I'm not there yet. I can't really just code something for the sake of coding, I need a reason, and the example that was used in the presentation is actually a good use case for potentially any project that requires a lot of logging.

I also liked the way you talked through the threading of Go, the way it was tied in with the graphic helped it really stick, so thanks for that.

All in all it was a very good talk, I enjoyed myself and learned something.

I got a lot of benefit out of this talk, because for some reason (I know, I know) I'd never looked at profilers before, so seeing the power that's available was very useful to me, as well as being able to see the gains it can bring. The installation instructions were also very useful, I didn't get the chance to note them down, but having the slides to reference will be very good.

One thing I have to say though, from the title of the talk I'd expected to see some lower-level optimisations in the settings of PHP, or some potential quick-wins with things along those lines. Despite that though, I still got a lot out of the talk, and I'll be a looking to add profilers to the projects I work now to help both solve bugs and optimise my code.

Either way, still a brilliant talk!

This talk, for me, was the perfect mix of inspirational and informative, delivered in a brilliant way. Although the talk focussed on taking just one thing from it, I know I took more than that, and a page of sketch notes (I can't draw).

One thing I've always wanted to do is contribute to the open source community, but I've never known where to start, so hearing about was very useful for me.

Another big win for me was the emphasis on pairing. I've always known the benefits of it, but after hearing it described and utilised in that way, I'm finally going to try and work it into my routine.

Once I've got my dev schedule worked out, I'll also be signing up for, but one thing at a time, eh?

I thought the content and delivery of the talk was fantastic, and I'm sure it'll inspire developers that see it in the future as much as it has inspired me.

Raffle went smooth this time, YAY! :D

Would have been better if it was easy to find organisers if needed, but all in all I enjoyed it! :)

Great presentation very well performed. I had never heard about the ubiquitous language before and I'm just about getting into DDD, so this was a very nice introduction that I think anyone who wants to learn DDD can benefit from hearing first! Thanks :)

Really refreshing and great facts. Loved the personal stories, this talk caused discussions afterwards which was pretty great, also love the ART in this ART talk :D

I already gave the feedback in person, I came out of the tutorial with exactly what I wanted when I came in, more internal knowledge and inspiration to maybe get more involved in internals, it's not as scary as it seems. The first part of the tutorial where we got to follow along and pair-program was excellent. The second part felt a bit rushed trough and confusing with showing lots of code, until you started explaining WHY you showed lots of code.. Fix that rush and you have a priceless workshop.

All in all I'm super inspired and more knowledgeable so thanks for a successful tutorial <3