Nice two feet on the ground session about cryptography, mostly about authenticity. A lot of code samples to help you get started. Overall, good talk.
Definitely recommend this talk. The author knows what he's talking about & explains it well with good examples.
Very nice slideshow as well, props for that!
Good info from someone who obviously knew his stuf. But the speaker seemed to be not so enthusiastic making the talk a tad hard to follow. There was also a lot of background info, some of which was interesting and some of which was entirely redundant imo (i cannot imagine anyone there did not know what semantic versioning is, i can imagine they don't know that 4.4 = 5.0 but with the depricated bits).
Good talk.
Points of improvement:
- every now and then the speaker was reading his notes to know how to continue, this could take some time and interrupted the flow of the presentation.
- the speaker talked about a design diamond, but as far as i could see they were two design triangles (wel, upward and downward slope). The concept as to why it's a diamond was never explained, it looked to me as if two slopes of each diamond were missing.
- every now and then the speaker was hard to understand.
I’m very pleased to see that Demien gethered all the questions and all important guidelines on one place that will help you to get into legacy project, analyse it and understand it. Based on approach presented on workshop, you can set goals and understand the legacy project with most of its problems in the shortest possible time.
As a improovement to this workshop, or maybe the workshop next level, I would like to see some best practices for code review when working with difs.
At the end of the day this was one great workshop.
Will do for next time :)
Would have loved to put in more examples, but only had 2 days prepare time :)
Got talked into giving one by Michelle Sanver last thursday.
As Mr Burns would say... Excellent. I can not wait to get back to work and make our ruleset better.
It's a fun idea which I would love to see expanded with more examples. Extending the examples is also a thing that would make this talk more fun.
Build breakers are one of my favorite things. If was nice to learn how to create more of them and make the existant ones better.
I think for a first talk this was amazing! Well delivered and clear :)