Great talk, well presented.
Talk was a little scrappy, but great content delivered in a refreshing style. Was great to hear about how phpBB is using Symfony and how everyone needs to challenge their preconceived ideas about software projects. I admit I was in that camp and had assumed phpBB was still poorly coded and am very glad to learn about the excellent improvements the team are working on.
Also, great to hear how OS projects are using other tools. The theme of using the best tool of the job (framework components, PSR-7, middleware, etc) ran through various talks at PHPNW. Nice to see it in practise!
Great talk, well presented, flowed very well with a bit of the history around it too.
No massive revelations in the talk but a useful overview of security issues and a few reminders of useful things such as penetration testing tools.
An interesting talk, but I agree with the earlier comments about pace and flow.
good topic, ISO stuff a little dry and difficult to see how this could be used in practise. Though I can see the benefits. Would be great if there were any tools to help with this.