Talk comments

I enjoyed the talk and found it easy to follow. 2FA isn't something I've ever given much thought so this highlighted how straight-forward the process is and how quickly you can get it set up. I did expect it to go a bit deeper but think this was mainly down to me assuming it was a lot more complex than most of the tools/implementations make it. The tone of the talk was great, very relaxed and clear, and when I left I was totally convinced I'd be adding 2FA to our clients sites. Ran through adding 2FA to a test site and took me no time at all to get it working so really practical and useful information. Thanks

This talk was really well thought through, everything was covered in a logical and easy to follow manner. The style was spot on, I was a little concerned when it started with IOPS that some of it might be a bit over my head but it was really informative, made few assumptions on what the audience new and I left feeling I'd really learnt a lot. Thanks Stuart

Good talk on an important topic, made for an excellent close to the conference. Also liked the heckling from Michelangelo ;)

Good background on PSR-7, lots of rational points on why this PSR is helpful and highlighting some of the libraries that are supporting the standard. I also thought the talk was particularly honest about the current limitations of the standard (no client etc) which I appreciated. Thanks Beau :)

Anonymous at 10:10 on 5 Oct 2015

Good talk, interesting subject matter, but the pace was a tad too slow.
The lack of A/C didn't help, but this was out of the speakers control. They sorted this out afterwards in further talks.

Really enjoyed this talk. There was a good level of background information to get everyone on the same page (SOLID etc) then going more into details on the DI side of things. It was also good to look at how DI works inside the blackbox most frameworks/libs give you and gave me a better understanding of how I can use DI better in projects I'm working on in php and other languages. Although the examples were PHP specific the talk could just as easily be applied to many other programming languages.

Great talk. Very informative, yet easy to follow. Fingers crossed this time next year the majority of us will be using php 7.

A refreshingly different and unexpected talk. Informative and good-to-know.