Great and inspiring talk. Very good example of how the code gets refactored.
Very informative. Requires pretty good knowledge of git.
Very good talk, despite technical difficulties.
Great overview!
Very interesting and informative.
Zongs! The desire to download all the map data and build my own private map server.
Great coverage of a lot to consider for web scraping services.
Great talk, we do a lot of web scraping and this is what I would like to see my devs know at the start.
The only suggestion I would make (difficult given time and wifi issues) would be some live demos to see web scraping in action.
Extremely thorough delve into HTTP from the spec up through sockets/streams and PHP libraries to deal with markup. Slightly dry but that's the nature of the topic
Very interesting and good delivery, though I wouldn't mind some more practical and in-depth content.