Seeing the walk-through of how she learned to use Symfony helped demystify some of the more difficult to understand topics.
The answer these days does seem to come down to, "use a good framework or code library," but I enjoyed hearing the specific hacks and solutions. Very good presenter.
This was a very good overview and paired well with the more code-centric REST talks later in the conference.
This was a very technical talk. I learned a great deal about Varnish. I can’t wait to start experimenting with it. I think adding a few use cases and data flow diagram to the presentation would be good.
Really great talk well spoken and well demonstrated.
Excellent beginner's overview. The talk was finished very early; while recognizing that every machine learning problem is unique, the speaker could have taken more time presenting examples and insights. She said she is attempting a php implementation next year, so I think this would be a better talk for a future conference.