Talk comments

Alvaro clearly knows the subject matter and his presentation was well-ordered (general architecture, client libraries and PHP examples, and finally Symfony2 bundle).

Very entertaining and I loved that Scott addressed common questions during his presentation and well before Q&A, such as the rebase vs. merge argument. The random git command-line tips were also hidden gems of this talk (such as the "^" operator before a branch name for more concise diff reports).

Excellent opening talk for the conference. I walked in expecting to hear some Microsoft evangelism but was very impressed with the universality of Josh's presentation. This was sound advice for any software engineer trying to preserve their sanity and productivity amidst waves of rapidly changing business requirements and new technologies.

Hi Ryan, I have a question. Slide 66 you show an example of how to change the Lexar, changing the {% to the tag [do]

Is there a way to change the syntax for block and enblock?

I searched the sandbox code for 'block

The closest I found was \src\vendor\twig\lib\Twig\TokenParser\Block.php

line 58 has function decideBlockEnd, where it appears to search for the string 'endblock'. Is this the spot where I could change it to 'blockend' ?

I prefer to write my template markup in this style:

{% block_start body %}
<li>bullet 1</li>
<li> bullet 100</li>
{% block_end body %}

I think it would help template designers keep track of which block was ending, if the block_end had the suffix of the block name

having already used the tool (but nicely set up in the project by somebody else) it was interesting to hear the mechanics. i think this topic merits a longer talk sometimes, with more details about debian, and maybe considerations about redhat as well (any redhat fanboy wants to jump in on this?).
the approach is very interesting and the information you passed over in just 10 minutes was just the right amount.

good talk and interesting topic. i hope to do a project sometimes that is complex enough to need such a solution.

presentation style was really good, and i liked the slides (had a good laugh about the guy complaining on slideshare about the "font" you use :-)
i think the level of depth for each of the topics was about right, more details would have meant less topics.

you would get full points from me if you had not promised too much (about the second part with javascript). but @cygui actually pierre announced he won't have time for that right at the beginning, so you where warned.

Anonymous at 22:49 on 6 Mar 2011

Nice talk, but I was there mostly for the AOP part, so I was quite disappointed to find out that only the security part would be covered. The talk value per se was more than 2/5, but the overall vote reflects the above statement.

thanks for the talk lukas. now i really hope we manage to make it actually happen.

btw: the slides are at github

a really awesome tool for bigger sites, and an excellent presentation. thank you!