Talk comments

Anonymous at 09:50 on 24 Oct 2011

Love seeing all the code.

Great topic and great presentation!

Like "Anon" I was expecting a compare and contrast of some leading Frameworks, based on the talk's name. Though, looking back, I realize that the name wasn't misleading at all, merely my interpretation of it.

Anna did a fantastic job of detailing several tools and her own framework favorites. Which is to say, her favorite plugins for her framework of choice.

I am a prototype.js user, but recently I've been seeing a lot of things pointing me towards jQuery. This talk probably pushed me over that line.

Hopefully for the best!

It is possible to teach an old dog (like me) some new tricks. I'd heard about DI before but had never really gotten into it and bothered learning. This presentation was great, as it gave me the basics I needed to start using DI in my own apps.

It was great for what it was, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. I've attended a lot of talks and even classes on Security and PHP and every single one boils down to the same basic info. Escape output and sanitize input. I guess I was hoping for more advanced topics out of a half-day tutorial. To be fair to Arne, the second half of the session may have progressed to more advanced topics, but having already sat through a number of similar sessions, I found myself bored and did not sit through the entire tutorial.

Again, this is not Arne's fault at all. He did a great job at presenting the material, and I found myself chuckling many times.

Excellent talk by someone who knows how to entertain the audience. I thought I knew more or less what REST was, but this presentation proved me wrong. Apparently it's not that easy to be fully compliant. Loved the humor and interaction with the audience.

Good introduction to a more advanced topic. Nice to see how to set things up and get started with the XMPP stuff.

Great introduction to what Assetic is, and how it can help you managing your assets. Loved how the presentation went from basic usage to gradually more advanced stuff by building on previous knowledge.

Nice introduction on how to use Mongo in your PHP application

Interesting, and good overview of available options to secure your API. Too bad it wasn't technical, as I would have loved to see some implementation details.