Talk comments

Loved this talk. I had always wondered how I would go about this and he went into great detail on the PHP code process. I now feel like I can contribute to core.

I had never used doctrine before but he quickly showed that any large asp that accesses the database a lot simply needs to use doctrine because otherwise things can be very inefficient.

I picked this talk because I had never used open stack. I quickly learned how easy it is to work with stone it has such an extensive API that is built into Zend.

I would have liked him to have dived deeper a bit faster, but he did give detailed info quite well. I definitely learned a few things.

Useful info but I was expecting him to go into ways we write testable code especially with zf2. Unfortunately I didn't get anything new from this talk.

High quality talk by a very knowledgeable speaker. Jeremy did a great job covering the various patterns used by Doctrine and other frameworks / libraries.

Very useful intro especially since I have never user zf2. He definitely gave enough info to get a basic asp of the ground.

Useful information about building secure website even if you don't use Zend framework. Of course he showed how trivial it is with send because they take care of the painful details.

He didn't keep my attention. Very slow intro.