Talk comments

Nice overview, lots of interaction. This guy is serious.

Good to see the numbers. I did not like the attitude of drop what you are doing and switch to javascript or android development. Any technology has its pros and cons. I 'd rather perfect my knowledge on php before switching to a technology of my choice. Mobiles are huge clients and huge markets, but other than gaming apps, you can make a lot of money on mobile without touching os. Building an app will be in a few years similar to building a website. Not something I would like to put on my CV.

Great open source project. I will try to convince our team to start using it when beta comes out.

Interesting tips and a very nice presentation

An easy to understand introduction to xhprof, a lower level approach on opcode caching, tips on caching namespacing and benchmarking
Its a great pleasure listening to Davey.

It was an amazing presentation from a guy who really loves what he is doing. This project can not fail. Travis, is one more good reason for me to contribute to open source.

Lots of great tips, presentation introduces design patterns with a very easy to grasp approach

Nice technology, it was a great introduction to people with no experience on FLOW3. Robert put a lot of effort to help everyone set up their machine.