Talk comments

I have uploaded an example of the code I use for teaching to I think I have configured github correctly to allow contributions from anyone interested. Please let me know what you think.

slides seems great... but is there any recording for this talk say for example on youtube?

Concise and perfectly paced walkthrough of FLOW3. Showed just the right parts to interest me in looking in to it further and perhaps make use of it more seriously.

Anonymous at 16:13 on 12 Jun 2012

By the description of its presentation, I expected a whole lot else. More good/bad practise examples. Less text, more screenshots.

But I love'd the "You got bored yet? Have a kitten!" joke ;)

Anonymous at 15:42 on 12 Jun 2012

:) Nice presentation. You really kept everyone alive by keeping things short but to the point.

I'm working on a RESTful API and your presentation was really HELPful!

Thanks for the comments. I will try to improve the talk before there is another presentation. Your feedback is welcome and will lead to changes.