Well done comparison and very useful for a backend developer like myself. Try to reduce the pace a bit though so you have some time to connect to your audience. Due to the overwhelming speed you seem to lose contact with your audience, almost as if we weren't there anymore.
Hi Matthias!
I totally agree about the practical part. I expected people to have the box prepared, so we can work together, but no one had it. So that set me back on that point. :(
I'll prepare for that case better next time. :)
And yes, the code examples can be run on any PHP environment not just the vagrant box I provided, precisely because I wanted to show that principles of DDD can be applied anywhere no matter what framework you use, or in what state your code is.
I taught it would be easier for the people this way, they just download the thing, do vagrant up, and do not need to worry about anything else. Now I'll know better for the next time. ;)
Thanks for the remarks! :)
Saw this one before and found out it mostly matched with what me and my colleagues do so. But I've never seen a better 'boring' talk than this one since I fully agree with the methodology. The people whom I recommended to go and see this talk were inspired. It actually is soo simple, but the thing is keep on doing it and do it in small steps. Good thing you keep pointing that out.
For me, one of the better talks of the DPC14.
Technical, well explained, very interesting.
Enrico picked up quite well, where the audience could/couldn't follow his slides and skipped/slowed down his talk.
Thank you.
I liked the clean slides, short demo's and talkers ability to convey his message.
Not knowing what to expect, I think part on talking about HACK took over the rest of the presentation, instead of covering HHVM some more. I didn't mind it though.
Maybe update the talks description so people know what to expect.
Really awesome! Good way of crowd participation. And really fun way of presenting. Didn't lose me anywhere :)
Fun story with an important message, glad to have a side project already ;-)
The topic was covered very nicely. Gave a me nice insight. Thank you for your research. Finding a balance between the audience assumed technical level and what it is you want to convey in the end was done quite nice. I learned something and that is the most important bit.
However, I agree with most of the previous commenters. The talk lacked some spirit and fire (jet lagged?). Going over ALL of the example code line by line, slide by slide. I think we can assume the audience has some level of reading PHP right? Maybe stick to the stuff that really needs explaining and leave the rest for the code itself on Github.
About keeping people's attention. Demo the app earlier in the presentation. Or maybe add some more real life examples
Very interesting topic, this was the second time I did this workshop but it was changed a little and also very good to refresh my memory. I definitely try this technique (and CQRS). The only reason not to give 5 stars is to prevent Matthias and Stijn from getting lazy ;-) So keep on going!
Nice introduction talk into ES.
The slides already had plenty of screenshots. (admin panel, IRL examples etc). A working demo might be nice added feature as it always captures the imagination the best.
Thank you.