Talk comments

Good workshop and i did like the amount of subjects that passed.

If i can give one advice it would be that you should not start the workshop with "You need this, this, this and this) but make sure people know this before the work shop so the environments are (mostly) setup.

Granted it didn't cost too much time but we were pretty lucky with the WiFi cooperating.

I see other good comments, so this might just be me - maybe I was tired or distracted before my own talk. I found the presentation a bit unclear and difficult to follow. The slides were pretty clear and well thought out, though.

Interesting talk, but I found the delivery to be a bit off, so I found it difficult to stay on topic at times.

Good content, I 100% support the tools and techniques Stephan demonstrated. I was hoping for a live demo at the end where we could see all the automation in action in a sample project. Presentation skills were pretty good although I did not get some of the jokes. I did get some other ones, though and they were really funny, so all in all it was a really solid performance.

I am usually really bored by CSS, but Jad made it really interesting. I feel enlightened and really feel that I now have a better understanding of the topic. Really good job!

Interesting take on the modern architecture trends. I liked the hexagon analogy, I believe it lends itself nicely to many interpretations. Really good delivery by the speaker in terms of clarity of thoughts, tone of voice etc.

Great stuff! I am still so pumped about the ELK stack, I can't wait to include it in my next project. Really good presentation skills too. Congrats!

Excellent keynote! One of the best talks I have seen in a long time. Made me think and revisit some of my recent professional decisions. Great presentation skills and command of the stage by the speaker.