Talk comments

Vooral het tweede deel was interessant,toen er ervaringen vanuit de eigen praktijk werden gedeeld.
Veel common sense, maar toch waardevol om ook eens van een ander te horen.

A very inspiring talk. Presented with a lot of energy, it provided just the push I needed to get out of my comfortzone and start learning, sharing and contributing.
Thanks for that!

A very interesting talk. I wish I heard it earlier, could have saved me so much time. Another topic that needs investigation, will the learning ever end?

A good lecture, interesting speaker who knows his subject very well and is able to transfer his enthousiasm to the audience. Enjoyed it a lot.

Already knew about composer and am using it as well, still a good job on getting people on hooked on composer. As an unexperienced congres attendant i did not notice anything improvable on the slides, i guess thats for the more advanced conference visitors.
Hope to see composer become the standard for project dependency management in PHP and getting the love it deserves.

A good introduction, but a lot of information for the time available.

Anonymous at 21:10 on 15 Sep 2012

Good introduction into Postgres. Very convincing. I decided to start using it for my pet-projects to get some experience.

The talk could have been a little bit more structured, but overall ok.

Good introduction to HTML5's caching and storage.

Nice presentation, i didn't know that there where so much types of databases.
But i still don't know when i choose for SQL or NoSQL, the only thing you say is when you reach the limits on your SQL database but i think that is couldn't not be the only reason.
Thank you for your presentation.

Well done, it was a great talk with funny stuff in it !

I have learn a lot of this presentation. Before this presentation i don't care about the http header but now i have seen how importent it can be.
thank you !

Thank you for the presentation, but just what Anonymous says the presentation couldn't motivate me to listen closely. And i didn't know what you where build with backbone.js maybe next time you can provide some basic stuff instead of building a application.