Talk comments

Good presentation, I enjoyed the honesty of the speaker when he covered sections that he didn't know about. There were good examples to help explain the concepts. Thanks Michelangelo!

Excellent presentation with superb incite and humour! Thanks Kevlin.

You should see him do it in a kilt!

Scott's always reliable for winding me up over my PECL extensions, glad to serve him back a little bit of his own medicine this time round.

Nice initial capture on the title slide and useful content. Wouldn't have mentioned utf8_(en|de)code, personally. Would have probably spent more time detailing the mbstring API which is an essential library for dealing with UTF-8 strings.

Just as well I understood most of the principles that were being described, and it covererd a lot of methods very very quickly - fortunately the list of links provide a lot more details on each method.
Thomas clearly knows his business, but perhaps assumes that everybody else has a similar level of knowledge

A well presented talk on how to choose and implement new tools in the development cycle with a minimum of disruption or members of the team feeling they're being forced into it, and how to get the best benefit from their use.
The emphasis on the processes involved made it very relevant to managing a development team.

The ghostbusters references made it amusing - though I didn't see Slimer in the list at all.

Great presentation which opened up a couple of realities which I will have to be addressing when I get back to the office. Great presentation and well delivered, thank you :)

Some interesting concepts about how content writers are not interested in anything except the content they write for the pages, however the whole concept of Anti-CMS still manages to elude me. To me utilising a framework of sorts to create separate interfaces for content writers is still providing a CMS style structure for them, its just how you utilise that same content across different websites that removes the typical CMS feel from the whole process.

Great presentation though and I will definitely be looking at a few of my sites again :)

Nice introduction into the basics of PHPDocumentor but I feel a bit more emphasis on configuration (ini files etc) may have been more beneficial than covering a specific IDE integration method. The SVN integration would have made for a nice discussion but shame there wasn't quite enough time to fit it in.

Great presentation on how to optimise front end website performance but you really needed to have a grasp of some of the concepts before hand or you could have been left wondering what a couple of the sections actually do. Personally it just reinforced the concepts and ideas I already use to ensure optimal frontend performance.