I love how WordPress showed up in the middle of an Anti-CMS talk.
Well-explained BDD and the tools around it.
Often the text wasn't legible and many of the examples were wrong, but we got the idea.
Stu was great. He went through the whole cycle of writing a releasable PHP component and the tools he exposed us to were great.
Marcus was fun and gave us a good run through many Drupal-specific and general caching mechanisms.
I love hearing how others do it, and it was full of insightful details.
I got lost towards the end in places of implementation but as someone who was more interested in the why than the how this was easily the best talk of the day for me. Ben had great delivery and a well structured talk and was happy to answer questions.
It was good to see how this has been employed within a company to streamline process (or create it's own problems) and that's something that really adds benefits to examples.
The talk was entitled "Deploying with Phing" however it was more of an introduction to phing. Having used phing to deploy projects I was hoping for a better understanding and some tips to improve deployment with phing. With the talk only being 30mins I left having learnt only a little more than I already knew.
Good speaker and I liked the content I just would have loved a more detailed intro into actual deployment of code, gotchas and different approaches. Or call the talk an introduction to using phing for deployment (and other tasks) or something. Perhaps my misunderstanding.
Good introduction to different tools. If you are not expert at testing and knowing the different testing suites out there (but at least have heard of testing and used a suite or two) then this was worth while in my opinion. Again like another commenter this prompted me to visit the Behat session.
Good overview of new features of ZF2 but I think the quick examples need more real world feel that "foo bar" examples which don't really help in my eyes.
Good talk, well presented, informative - best of all, interesting!