Talk comments

The best talk at the conference. Real work example is what people want. He showed how to unit test the code when there is a smell in it. That is the real deal. Speaker had a great interaction with audience. Very very nice.

CD is very interesting topic for me, and this was excellent presentation about it, i really enjoyed.

I really enjoy (probably like everybody else). It was incredible useful and incredible fun at the same time. Great speaker!

Interesting overview, he told so much for a very short time.

Sasa introduced me to Behat very well. After researching Behat and Codecption, a wasn't so delighted with Behat, but after Sasa' presentation I changed my mind. Great talk!

Interesting and very useful talk. Well done!

I like this presentation a lot, and I liked what I heard about Travis. I will try Travis ASAP, Ivan totally convinced me.

Amazing talk. I was familiar with Codeception earlier, but I enjoy in this presentation.

Very interesting presentation, maybe I didn't learn too much new things, but Srdjan told it in a much funnier way, so he strongly motivated me.

Extremely useful presentation, I learned a lot for a very short time.