Talk comments

Good clear presentation delivered by a entertaining presenter. Highly recommend.

Very glad I stayed for this talk, the final one of the day.

A well presented talk that offered a great solution to a problem that we are currently experiencing. This talk made me think about how I/we are currently working more than any other at the conference. I have began experimental implementation of Stuarts concept already.

I found the talk too general and not really relating too much to ZF. The biggest points by far was just to install and implement a good caching system which applies to any application of framework. There were some good code snippets but on the whole it was not nearly specific to ZF enough.

Loved the talk, top pick of the conference for me. Speaks with passion and knows MySQL really well.

Good talk, pity about the tech glitches, informative and like the new stance where MS can laugh at themselves too. A bit more advanced would have been cool.

A very good talk. The examples were well prepared which meant a good pace was maintained. The content was interesting and well explained.

As others have said the description of this talk did not match the content. I would have gained more practical knowledge from a simpler comparison but I value the opportunity to learn the fundamentals from such a knowledgeable speaker as Lorenzo.

I will certainly look back through the slides of this presentation to fill in the the gaps caused by my overloaded brain. It's good to see a topic given such deep analysis.

This was an interesting topic so I was glad it was presented well. A better prepared demo would have finished it off nicely but I appreciate the willingness to show us some cutting edge code.

I love this talk. Some good tips and tricks to optimize ZF. If you lost the talk, you must take a look to the slides ;) !

Great talk. I really appreciated the technical background, without which a serious comparison of the databases would be impossible.