Talk comments

Nice introduction to Symfony2, I expected some more hands-on experience, but alas there was not enough time to do this properly.. At least I now understand (as a Product Owner) a bit more what my team is doing ;) I especially liked the things you can do with ttl/caching! Keep up the good work!

Sums it up for me: Interesting information, but Tom does not enthusiast me. Real-life examples would be handy.

This sums it up: Great overview but as I experienced in earlier talks today, I could do with less of the history and (even) more of the technique. Apart from that, very enjoyable!

Your enthousiasm was great and inspiring!

Drinks are best enjoyed with some proper entertainment. Bowling with geeks just takes it to the next level - Especially when everyone wants to beat the german. AWESOME! <3

Agree with Harrie and Richard. I did play with ZF2 Skeleton before the conference and was glad my initial WTF? got sorted out.
Matthew === The Man!

I agree with Jurgen Rutten (personally I don't care about history of DI at all).
Other than that: great talk.

I will definitely (try) to test my js now. The examples are great. Good/excellent thing to compare qunit with phpunit.
One thing: be more enthusiastic (like other ppl said: you did not seem motivated (but maybe it was the beer?)).

Again, you two are a dynamic duo. Great combo together.
Great talk, very informative.