Talk comments

Good talk overall. Just like Willem-Jan said: it would've been nice to see the differences between OAuth1 and OAuth2 and which to choose in what situation.

This was just awesome. So many little tips and tricks! I enjoy the theoretical talks for sure, but seeing someone's experience in action was really valuable.

You scared me when you flagged that code as legacy; I've seen so much worse!
Also, thanks for not using vim. I have nothing against vim, but PhpStorm deserves a spotlight moment too. I've been using it for years, including the refactorings, and it's a really awesome tool.

Great overview on what works on which version of PHP (and why!) and what doesn't.

Superb talk. Great way to end conference. Not only I liked to learn about HHVM, but it was pleasure to watch how you present things. I think this was most funny presentation of all. The way how you get out of unplanned situations is simply amazing.

Fantastic subject and presentation. I lost my attention somewhere during the last part of the middle section, but found it during the last section again.

I especially enjoyed your calm and collected style of presentation.

I expected a bit more "why you should have standards" and a bit less "here's how to use the tools", but that's my own fault for not reading the description well enough before attending.

I didn't find the drinking annoying at all (having a drink now and then paces the talk, which is a good thing anyway). I also disagree with the "meh" attitude; your presentation style seems relaxed and well-paced to me. Some speakers are constantly hyped, others are more relaxed, either is fine.

Your presentation was very composed and the examples made everything clear.

Good talk with an important message. I already knew about and about mentoring in general, so I can't say I learned a lot from this talk, but it served as a good reminder to actually get into it more. Also it had some touching personal stories and it was delivered with confidence and experience so I did enjoy it a lot.

Great overview of things. This talk will help me to figure out what sort of auth's to use in my own APIs. Thanks!

As told you in person, this was one of talks that I did not expected much of. Because we all know and use Unicode, right? However not only I enjoyed it, but also learned several things. Thanks!

It was one of topics that I wanted to learn more about. I knew what was Docker (idea behind it) like most likely pretty much everyone who attended. And i was hoping for more examples on real life application. Like when you demonstrated two different PHP versions. That was really good! If you could incorporate similar demonstrations, then this would be great talk. Something like "I will show you how from ground up you can launch php hello world in Docker".