Talk comments

Wow! Really fascinating to know how it all worked, and certainly given me a few ideas around improving responsiveness of some of my own sites.

I still don't think I'll be using Drupal, but it was a good informal discussion about the situations in which it has its uses.

Really interesting talk on something which I'm ashamed to say I had never heard of before this weekend. Thank-you

This talk was really enjoyable and motivating. Really good use of switching the speaker too, it kept attention up.

Awesome. Thanks for the updates on what's new. I know there was already a lot crammed in, but it would have been nice to get an idea for what's on the roadmap for future releases.

A good talk, but not something that was hugely interesting to me personally. I can see the possible benefit to other attendees though.

A very useful talk. I was surprised at how weak md5+salt was. Also thanks for recording and uploading the video - now that I've spammed the link to my colleagues they have no excuse not to use bcrypt :D

As it's not been mentioned already, here is the video

Excellent talk. Well presented and managed to cope with the issues that arose due to the hotel not providing a decent internet, correct number of places or power supplies.

I knew a bit about the majority of the tools before hand but still managed to learn something new.

I can understand the comments here, but I'll be playing this talk to my $boss when it becomes available and trying to persuade him to get involved. Every developer in attendance should be able to use this talk to help persuade their manager to let them submit PR/patches during working hours.

Lighthearted and well informed reasons why you shouldn't instantly dismiss Drupal. Good presentation technique and interesting.