I enjoyed your security review, and I'll be checking out your blog.
i think i was too harsh on putting 1 thumbs up, i want to change it to 3-4 but it does not let me. I think doing a webinar would rock. It would include more technical concrete details and perhaps more details on the services or options that were presented. Another plus would be to explain some implementation of all of this.
Great energy. Good information.
great information!
I liked Cal's description of a developer, uh, developing. I definitely relate. After a while though, I felt like I was sitting in church getting preached at.
So the way I felt after seeing this talk: WIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!! \o/ :D:D:D:D :) *huuugs*
There was certain slides I could not see in the back, but it didn't ruin the great content of the talk. I did learn a lot - Even though some of it was not great news... Windows box :(
Also: The volume was indeed a bit quiet in the back but I don't blame Michelangelo for that. Could maybe have used a bit more energy as the talk was after lunch - and the room was hot - I had problems staying awake, but the content made me stay the entire session, spot on! :)
This seemed to go pretty deeply into autoloading and psrs, where I suppose I was expecting to hear about how this replaces PEAR. All PEAR does for me is add a package to my Apache install. I didn't really come away with any info on how Composer replaces that or how to use it. I don't know anything about Composer, so perhaps I misunderstood what it does.
Totally awesome. Thanks for all your work on ZF2.