To round up a wonderful year of Symfony Live conferences in Paris, London and San Francisco we we’re going to bring our tour to an end in Berlin.

Thursday 22nd November 2012

09:30 Profiling for Grown-Ups
Talk by Johann-Peter Hartmann

Profiling for Grown-Ups

Workshop I - Testable Code
Workshop by Tobias Schlitt, Kore Nordmann

Workshop I - Testable Code

Workshop II - Doctrine 2
Workshop by Benjamin Eberlei

Workshop II - Doctrine 2

Workshop III - Leveraging the Power of the Symfony2 Security Component
Workshop by Johannes Schmitt

Workshop III - Leveraging the Power of the Symfony2 Security Component

Workshop IV - Going further with Symfony2
Workshop by Hugo Hamon

Workshop IV - Going further with Symfony2

Workshop V - Introduction to Symfony2
Workshop by Stefan Koopmanschap

Workshop V - Introduction to Symfony2

10:30 You thought Composer couldn't do that?
Talk by Nils Adermann

You thought Composer couldn't do that?

11:40 Symfony and eZ Publish: Let's have a trip together
Talk by Jérôme Vieilledent

Symfony and eZ Publish: Let's have a trip together

14:30 Big Data, Metrics Collection and Analytics
Talk by David Zuelke

Big Data, Metrics Collection and Analytics

15:30 Make Your Project SOLID!
Talk by Tobias Schlitt

Make Your Project SOLID!

Keynote by David Coallier


Friday 23rd November 2012

09:10 What is new in Doctrine
Talk by Benjamin Eberlei, Alexander

What is new in Doctrine

10:10 Leveraging the Serializer Component
Talk by Hugo Hamon

Leveraging the Serializer Component

11:20 Modernisation of legacy PHP applications using Symfony2
Talk by Fabrice Bernhard

Modernisation of legacy PHP applications using Symfony2

12:20 Security and AOP in Symfony2
Talk by Johannes Schmitt

Security and AOP in Symfony2

14:40 Practical REST - Hypermedia Application Development with Symfony
Talk by Lukas Kahwe Smith, Benjamin Eberlei

Practical REST - Hypermedia Application Development with Symfony

15:40 3 Steps to Symfony2 Form Mastery
Talk by Bernhard Schussek

3 Steps to Symfony2 Form Mastery

Keynote by Fabien Potencier


AfterConference Party

AfterConference Party