Talk comments

Very good presentation. Perfect balance between "in a nutshell" and deep down "in practice" parts. I was interested in seeing someone doing HATEOAS because that's the last part I was missing and I got all I wished for :) Thanks guys!

Nice talk introducing the voters. What I was missing (as some others suggested) was a better comparison on when is ACE actually more useful than voters. Also the part about the ACE was a bit too humdrum and sometimes I just could not focus on the presentation, but I got the idea it's more complicated than voters ;) (I also kinda blame it on my tiredness on Friday).

Nice touch with going deep down on how parsers work and moving on to basics of Twig. Well prepared and a good execution.

a nice opening of the whole conference - having different people made this even more interesting :)

on Keynote

Nice talk. It was interesting to see how easy it is to use the Sf components on their own and how some of them combine with each other.

I' d prefer to have more example about voter but good talks.

Very nice talk giving much more than you can read in the documentation.

Great job during the talks and great job with the FOSReatBundle.

The title should have been "Application monitoring with Heka". You didn't talk so much about statsd. But anyway, I discover Heka, which seems really cool.
One slide about differences between Heka & logstash would have been great too (if there any difference at all :))

Symfony community has a lot to learn from the Cathy's experience she also has this natural way to create and builds friendship.Best talk for me.