Talk comments

One of the many sessions that really got my interested in learning more about the various document-oriented databases that are getting more popular in a hurry. Sparked my interest in learning more.

Great intro to git. Having worked a little with git already, I appreciated some of the tips that were a bit past the entry level.

"Joël Perras knows his shit." I'll second that. Very informative overview of graph theory that got me thinking about different ways to implement social networking functionality.

Anonymous at 13:24 on 24 May 2010

My favorite talk of the conference. Covered the low level nuts and bolts of improvements in MySQL 5.5. And probably blew a lot of people's minds.

Excellent round table discussion encouraging anyone and everyone to get inovlved in local user groups, or create them if they don't exist. A must visit talk for anyone who's not yet involved in the community.

Lorna's talk was a great motivator to get further involved with the Open Source community. She presented tons of personal anecdotes that could easily be applied to anyone listening. It really brought out what makes the community so great, and why every business should allow it's developers to contribute as much as they can. This talk also encouraged me to check up on an open source project I released several months ago and mostly forgot about.

There's nothing like being presented a seemingly mind boggling tree and being shown almost simplistic and easily understood solutions to handling them in a relational database. I feel a little bit more time could have been spent breaking down some of the more ridiculous queries before visualizing what the query was actually doing, but that didn't affect the ability to understand what was going on.

I would love to see a longer tutorial version of this talk covering even more types of data structures rather than just trees.

Some wonderful background information and very nice technical content, a speaker that (OK so I knew this already) clearly knows his stuff on so many levels. Only the occasional in-joke with the audience and slightly corporate slides stops this from getting the 5 thumbs

This talk showed some nice PHP 5.3 features and made some interesting comments on how frameworks often try to solve problems for us. With these two eloquent and witty presenters, it could have been a great talk but the egos got in the way and I came away certain that I never want to interact with this community, I just don't fit in with their "humour"