I'm having double feelings about this talk. The speaker was good and clear in his story, but I expected something else from a talk about Event Driven Programming. In the end I kinda feel it also could've been done in 15 minutes and only was about the mediator pattern.
Good speaker. Most people fail when trying to explain stuff on this abstraction level with just the right amount of code in the slides. Informative talk about (imho) properlay layering your application
By far the best and most useful talk at the conference. Browser performance is definitely something a lot of people seem to forget. Very good speaker, kept a steady pace with a LOT of useful information
One of the better speakers at the conference. Some (good) jokes here and there which always help a lot. Unlike many others at the conference explained a tool properly. Why, when and how to use it in short and clear examples.
Good speaker. The talk was a nice reminder of what some people sometimes forget when programming especially when making code which other people use.
Very good speaker. Too bad, like others mentioned as well, that he had so much to tell it didn't really fit the timeframe he got.
One of the better speakers of the conference. Well structured and informative talk
A great talk that gave me plenty of ammunition for future trolling. Thanks Jordi.
Really enjoyed this well written, well presented talk.
I think the speaker was pretty good although I think the talk was somewhat useless. It felt like he didn't have affinity for what he was talking about (what he kinda admitted in the end saying he was more of a back end developer). Even though the talk pretty much was about what the description says I think showing +/- 20 configuration files and a lot of github screenshots in your slides is a bit too much... This talk can be a lot better by talking a bit more about the tools and showing what they do and how you can use them to improve you code instead of how to install and configure them.
When I look at the slides here at work I think they are really useful because it's a nice tutorial about how to set up all the tools. But I'm looking for some more in debt information on a conference then a simple taking you by the hand installing tutorial.