Talk comments

I agree with Brian on the point about being less of a tutorial than I was expecting, but also understand the time constraints and reasons.

Very good talk. Many of us know HOW to test (to a degree), but more insight on how to make your application testable to begin with was very helpful

This presentation was great. The information was clearly presented, and the examples were very relevant. His live demos were smooth and well planned. Very professional and confident speaker.

Very soft introduction.

I recently took the Machine Learning class from Coursera, and this was much clearer. I wish I had watched your talk before trying to take the class.

This was one of the best talks of the conference so far. It is a fascinating subject with awesome demos, and real code was shown, as well as live demos, which is hard to do well.

Appreciate the feedback everyone. Thank you.

Interesting introduction to the concepts. A little too much time was spent in the beginning on simple definitions, would like more expansion on the ideas at the end of the talk.

Very detailed examples of both elasticsearch and the elastica PHP library. I enjoyed this because I felt like I learned about both parts of this solution, not just the client part. The Geolocation part s amazingly simple.