Can't edit this talk yet, but here are the slides
Very good explanation of the concept of microservices and what they should and should not be and in what situations they might be really useful.
The talk answered all the questions I had on the topic.
The future is bright because of the competition and the renewed drive in the core php development. thanks for that.
The approach was very logical. Sometimes I had the impression you pauzed because you were searching for the right way to express it in english. Overall a very decent presentation giving us tons of insight in the topic.
There are many, many good points, tips & tricks (like how to "calculate" the cost of interruptions ;-)) and other highly valuable insights to take away from this talk.
It has really made me think about the way I do some things and how I could possibly do them in a more efficient way. I think "visualize all the things" might be the best tip yet.
Best talk of conference. I really enjoy when Sara is on stage. She succeeded in get me interested again in hhvm (and Hack more specifically, really love the cool stuff in it)
I expected a little more actual examples of things gone wrong and little less listings of different types of possible threads. Learned most of the questions and tools demonstrated at the end.
Besides that I enjoyed the talk. Speaker does know what he is talking about.
Clearly explained what 'microservices' are supposed to be.
Well done, great talk. I love live demos with stuff that doesn't work and then show how to fix it.
Testing xhprof right now. Nice talk and concepts.