Talk comments

Great talk. I loved the code refactor examples.

Great content. I'm glad you didn't cover all of the OWASP Top 10, but focused on more of the topics people glance by.

The energy/passion from Josh was great. I'm pretty experienced with frontend development, but I got so much great information. If you're doing responsive web design, attend this talk!

I felt there was a lacking of cat pictures though, only 2????

Such an amazing talk. The pace was perfect and the content/examples used with the metrics was spot on. I'm not sure you can make this talk any better. Great Job!

Good presenter, passionate, and knowledgeable.

A great keynote that leaves you wondering how you can be doing better things with the skills you have.

on PHP

Chris is a great speaker and knows the material well. He does a good job at starting with a high-level overview and then diving deeper without losing people.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem iS a nail. But GitHub is an awesome hammer to have.

Liz is always an amazing and enthusiastic speaker, and this session was no exception.

Great overview of oft looked over classes used for iteration and filtering of lists. Iterators are a very confusing & tongue twisting topic, but Jake did a great job of explaining how they work & more importantly how you can leverage them effectively.