Talk comments

Poornima gave an excellent talk with a lot of good stories.

The way she structured the talk was awesome. Being able to participate and choose the direction was really great. She was also great with questions and discussion after the talk.

Honestly, I didn't think this talk would be that interesting. It actually turned out to be one of my favorites. He's a great speaker and the fun he has while speaking is infectious.

Excellent talk got me excited for what's ahead in PHP 7.

Chris gave a lot of good information with clear explanations. His explanations of OSSEC and the different types of jails and what's possible with sudo were helpful. He was also very patient with questions and gave detailed responses.

Anonymous at 18:33 on 10 Feb 2015

Didn't like the call-to-actions (slides marked "tweetable"); I don't need to be told what I should tweet. Very much preaching to an in-crowd, clearly the audience is well-seeded with major fans (worshipers?) but for someone new to SunshinePHP and having never heard of Cal Evans before, it was a bit weird. Left me feeling like I've crashed their special party.

Ironically this feeling of not being part of the in-crowd is counter to the talk's strong message of community...

Anonymous at 18:27 on 10 Feb 2015

Great talk, I learned a lot about Docker.

Anonymous at 18:26 on 10 Feb 2015

Informative talk, if delivered a bit dry. I would suggest adding personal anecdotes and stories to make the presentation more lively.

Anonymous at 18:22 on 10 Feb 2015

Extremely informative, I really learned things in this talk.

Anonymous at 18:21 on 10 Feb 2015

Really was hoping for something technical here, some sample code, maybe pointing in the direction of some open source tools for doing machine learning in PHP, or even calling R from PHP... but, nothing. Basically it sounds like the speaker wanted to get into this but just didn't get very far, other than providing a history lesson on regression analysis.

I do hope she is successful in building or finding some kind of library or tool for this kind of stuff and presenting it in the future.