Talk comments

Very good Ilia, I will definitely try to get our team to upgrade.

with service_manager factories key, I think, you should return new instance with
for ex :

'YamlParser' => function($sm){
return new SymfonyComponentYamlParser;

btw, you can use invokables to create pair values ;

invokables => array(
'YamlParser' => 'SymfonyComponentYamlParser'

One of the best talks of the whole conference.

Content overview, content detail, clarity of presentation, engaging asides: Ilya's talk had it all.

Well done!

Excellent. Content was very clear and Ryan's presentation style is clear and very entertaining. Kumbaya! ;-)

Very good talk. Being a sysadmin once I totally understand and think its very important for developers to understand what goes on once they deploy.

Nice presentation with good humor all around. Thanks, guys. ;-)

Great presentation with a full house even though there was a talk on same subject the day before! Your English English was just fine! :)

I think I went to all of Lorna's talks and they were great. This one was no exception. The examples and exercises were great and showed real world ways in which to use API's.

This was a great talk. He clearly has a ton of knowledge and presented this in a way that wasn't so low level that I will need to go look up a bunch of definitions from his slides!

A lot of complex concepts explained very well with absolutely no tolerance of weak arguments for not making applications secure. I would love to watch this talk again. So much to cover in an hour and you can tell at the end Rob had more he could say but there just wasn't enough time.