Talk comments

I found Michael's talk very informative. I knew very little about image manipulation or processing before the talk. Now I have some basic knowledge and know it's accessible via PHP - which I wouldn't have considered as a platform for doing this type of thing.

I thought the content delivery was well executed. A few more demos would have been good and the lighting didn't help one of the demos he did where he using his webcam.

All-in-all an informative talk that I've taken a bunch of stuff away from.

Good discussion about open source, touching subjects such as licenses, contributing and contributors variety.

Lorenzo really managed to make this talk interesting and engaging.

Good talk, the speaker clearly knew what he was talking about.

Very good talk, as usual for Sebastian. focused on good practices from an unusual perspective. Probably the best talk of the 2nd day of the conference.

Funny at times, but tended to jump from sarcastic to serious without any difference in tone, leaving the audience with the option of assuming that good practice references were serious and outrageously bad ones were jokes. Although it was funny and caused some good laughs, people who could have learned from the talk probably won't since they'll be unable to actually understand when was he speaking of bad or good practices.

A bit dull and a topic without much to discuss, the twitter panel ended up flooded with tweets about beer and no real questions about frameworks.

Horrible talk, the speaker seemed to think of himself as God's gift to software development. After the speaker advised everyone to use php safe_mode and said that C creators were dumb for using /0 as a string terminator and that they should have allocated 2 or 3 bytes at the beging of strings (in an era where computers had a few K of memory, and a solution that would introduce a similar problem to the 2 digit dates on string) to define the string size I decided to leave the talk.

Good introduction to RabbitMQ, made me curious to try it.

Best talk on day 1 of php uk 2013, hands down. It was very well delivered, with some appointments of humor but always focusing on the importance of TDD, emergent design and good development practices.