PHPBenelux Conference 2017 is an annual PHP oriented conference in Antwerp, Belgium. We offer two days of stellar tutorials and talks, epic social events and a lineup of the best local and international businesses involved with PHP.


Browser Testing Wizardry with Codeception
Workshop by Michael Bodnarchuk
Tactical DDD (just better OOP?)
Workshop by Matthias Noback
My app is secure... I think
Workshop by Wim Godden
Dip Your Toes in the Sea of Security
Talk by James Titcumb
Functional structures in PHP
Talk by Marcello Duarte
Make Legacy great again!
Talk by Donatas Aleksandravičius
Write history, keep a diary (Uncon)
Talk by Jachim Coudenys
A recommendation engine in your PHP applications
Talk by Michele Orselli
How I (ab)used PHP with the help of ReactPHP
Talk by Stijn Vannieuwenhuyse
Elastic scaling in a (micro)service oriented architecture
Talk by Bastian Hofmann
How to start with Docker (Uncon)
Beyond patterns & principles - writing good OO code
Talk by Matthias Noback
Expect the un-expected: How to handle errors gracefully
Talk by Bastian Hofmann
CQRS & event sourcing in the wild
Talk by Michiel Rook
Divide and Conquer - Your Business Code and your Framework
Talk by Andreas Hucks
Caching the right way, increase your application performance and validate it with profiling
Talk by André ®ømcke
Elastic Search & Spatial (Uncon)
Talk by Frederik Wouters
Going crazy with caching: Caching pages of logged in users
Talk by David Buchmann
The true value of objects
Talk by Stijn Vannieuwenhuyse
Connecting people - Identity in your platform
Talk by Rowan Merewood
PHP without frameworks
Talk by Patrick Allaert
Caching with PSRs
Talk by Hannes Van De Vreken
Code profiling with Xdebug and KCacheGrind (Uncon)
Talk by Robert Basic
Bridging the designer-developer gap
Talk by Nicole Saidy
Kafka will get the message across, guaranteed.
Talk by David Zuelke
The Stateful ElePHPant
Talk by Rick Kuipers