The large PHP community in South Florida has organized its fourth annual PHP developer conference in Miami, and you're invited! We will host some of the best speakers, latest technology, and up to date news in the industry. And did we mention it is in Miami, in February? #warm #sunny

Thursday 4th February 2016

09:00 Test, Create, Secure, Repeat
Workshop by Michelangelo van Dam in Main (3 hour)

Test, Create, Secure, Repeat

Adventures in Laravel 5
Workshop by Joe Ferguson in Breakout 1 (3 hour)

Adventures in Laravel 5

Docker for Developers
Workshop by Chris Tankersley in Breakout 2 (3 hour)

Docker for Developers

Become an Open Source Contributor
Workshop by Beth Tucker Long in Breakout 3 (3 hour)

Become an Open Source Contributor

13:00 ZF2 Done Properly
Workshop by Gary Hockin in Main (3 hour)

ZF2 Done Properly

Manage Your Content with Elasticsearch
Workshop by Samantha Quiñones in Breakout 1 (3 hour)

Manage Your Content with Elasticsearch

Demystifying Object-Oriented Programming
Workshop by Alena Holligan in Breakout 2 (3 hour)

Demystifying Object-Oriented Programming

Magento 2 Modules are Easy!
Workshop by Ben Marks in Breakout 3 (3 hour)

Magento 2 Modules are Easy!

Friday 5th February 2016

Keynote by Josh Holmes in Main (1 hour)


10:15 Web Security and You
Talk by Eli White in Main (1 hour)

Web Security and You

MySQL Server Performance Tuning 101
Talk by Ligaya Turmelle in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

MySQL Server Performance Tuning 101

Symfony Guard Authentication: Fun with API Token, Social Login, JWT and more
Talk by Ryan Weaver in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

Symfony Guard Authentication: Fun with API Token, Social Login, JWT and more

Feature Flags are Flawed: Let's Make Them Better
Talk by Stephen Young in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

Feature Flags are Flawed: Let's Make Them Better

11:30 Navigating Your Git Repository
Talk by Gemma Anible in Main (1 hour)

Navigating Your Git Repository

The Pattern to Design Patterns
Talk by Chris Russell in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

The Pattern to Design Patterns

PCI Compliance for PHP in the Hipster Age
Talk by Phillip Jackson in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

PCI Compliance for PHP in the Hipster Age

HTTP/2 The (not so) new Language of the Web
Talk by Adrian Cardenas in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

HTTP/2 The (not so) new Language of the Web

Keynote by Sharon Steed in Main (1 hour)


Give Me a REST!
Talk by Amanda Folson in Main (1 hour)

Give Me a REST!

Don't be the last to know! Strategies & Tactics for Monitoring Your System and Services
Talk by ELISA TOWBIS in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

Don't be the last to know! Strategies & Tactics for Monitoring Your System and Services

Introduction to Graph Databases with Neo4j
Talk by Michael Moussa in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

Introduction to Graph Databases with Neo4j

Be a Bold Coder
Talk by Beth Tucker Long in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

Be a Bold Coder

16:00 Step Into Debugging
Talk by Gary Hockin in Main (1 hour)

Step Into Debugging

Become a RUM runner!
Talk by Vesna Vuynovich Kovach in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

Become a RUM runner!

PHP Identity and Data Security
Talk by Jonathan LeBlanc in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

PHP Identity and Data Security

APIs to your brain
Talk by Ibis Fonte in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

APIs to your brain

17:15 Applying the 4 Rules of Simple Design
Talk by Adam Wathan in Main (1 hour)

Applying the 4 Rules of Simple Design

Containers and Docker for the PHP developer
Talk by Robert McFrazier in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

Containers and Docker for the PHP developer

Behat: Beyond the Basics
Talk by Jessica Mauerhan in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

Behat: Beyond the Basics

Magento at 2
Talk by Ben Marks in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

Magento at 2

Saturday 6th February 2016

09:00 Together We Do More
Keynote by Jessica Dunbar in Main (1 hour)

Together We Do More

10:15 Asynchronous PHP
Talk by Christopher Pitt in Main (1 hour)

Asynchronous PHP

Acceptance & Functional Testing with Codeception
Talk by Joe Ferguson in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

Acceptance & Functional Testing with Codeception

You Can UX Too: Avoiding the Programmer's User Interface
Talk by Eryn O'Neil in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

You Can UX Too: Avoiding the Programmer's User Interface

30 Skills to Master to Become a Senior Software Engineer
Talk by Sean Coates in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

30 Skills to Master to Become a Senior Software Engineer

ZF2 Service Manager: From Zero to Epic
Talk by Gary Hockin in Main (1 hour)

ZF2 Service Manager: From Zero to Epic

Building Real-Time Data Pipelines
Talk by Samantha Quiñones in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

Building Real-Time Data Pipelines

What They Should Tell You About API Development
Talk by Phil Sturgeon in Breakout 2 (45 minutes)

What They Should Tell You About API Development

MySQL's JSON Data Type
Talk by Dave Stokes in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

MySQL's JSON Data Type

Extreme Team Building: Surviving an Ocean Crossing
Keynote by Stephanie Evans in Main (1 hour)

Extreme Team Building: Surviving an Ocean Crossing

Performance Testing for Modern Apps
Talk by Dustin Whittle in Main (1 hour)

Performance Testing for Modern Apps

Growing your filesystem
Talk by Frank de Jonge in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

Growing your filesystem

Taking the Web Offline
Talk by Steve Grunwell in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

Taking the Web Offline

Exploiting the Brain for Fun & Profit
Talk by Alena Holligan in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

Exploiting the Brain for Fun & Profit

16:00 Microservices: Packs small, plays BIG!
Talk by Stephan Hochdörfer in Main (1 hour)

Microservices: Packs small, plays BIG!

Adventures in Symfony2 - Building an MMO-RPG
Talk by Lane Staples in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

Adventures in Symfony2 - Building an MMO-RPG

/Regex makes me want to (weep|give up|(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)\.?/i
Talk by brettflorio in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

/Regex makes me want to (weep|give up|(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)\.?/i

The WordPress REST API
Talk by David Bisset in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

The WordPress REST API

17:15 From Idea to Prototype in 50 Minutes with Laravel
Talk by Matt Stauffer in Main (1 hour)

From Idea to Prototype in 50 Minutes with Laravel

The continuous PHP Pipeline
Talk by Michelangelo van Dam in Breakout 1 (1 hour)

The continuous PHP Pipeline

Functional ES6 JavaScript
Talk by Luis in Breakout 2 (1 hour)

Functional ES6 JavaScript

Smiling From the Wrists Down: Customer Service for Developers
Talk by Heather L White in Breakout 3 (1 hour)

Smiling From the Wrists Down: Customer Service for Developers

Groupies, Roadies, Rockstars
Keynote by Cal Evans in Main (1 hour)

Groupies, Roadies, Rockstars