10:10 |
Debugging - Rules and Tools
Talk by
Ian Barber
Debugging - Rules and Tools
PHP Development in the Cloud
Talk by
Ivo Jansch
PHP Development in the Cloud
Pragmatic Guide to Git
Talk by
Travis Swicegood
Pragmatic Guide to Git
11:10 |
Mobile Apps with PHP: From Flex to jQuery Mobile
Talk by
Ryan Stewart
Mobile Apps with PHP: From Flex to jQuery Mobile
Optimizing a Zend Framework application
Talk by
Rob Allen
Optimizing a Zend Framework application
Talk by
Elizabeth Marie Smith
13:00 |
First Class APIs
Talk by
Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson
First Class APIs
Mobile Development
Talk by
Shaun Farrell
Mobile Development
Profiling PHP Applications
Talk by
Derick Rethans
Profiling PHP Applications
14:00 |
Building Mobile Applications With JavaScript and PHP
Talk by
Ed Finkler
Building Mobile Applications With JavaScript and PHP
Test Driven Development Live!
Talk by
Jason E. Sweat
Test Driven Development Live!
Why be Normal – Introduction to Normalization
Talk by
Ligaya Turmelle
Why be Normal – Introduction to Normalization
15:00 |
Drupal as an Application Development Platform
Talk by
Adam Kalsey
Drupal as an Application Development Platform
Open a Window, see the clouds
Talk by
Rafael Dohms
Open a Window, see the clouds
Securing Your API
Talk by
Jason Austin
Securing Your API
16:00 |
Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Titanium
Talk by
Vance Lucas
Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Titanium
Doctrine Optimization
Talk by
Anna Filina
Doctrine Optimization
Unit testing Zend Framework (The Sequel)
Talk by
Michelangelo van Dam
Unit testing Zend Framework (The Sequel)
17:00 |
Introducing Zend Framework 2.0
Talk by
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Introducing Zend Framework 2.0
Parallelized, asynchronous, and edge-friendly development patterns
Talk by
David Strauss
Parallelized, asynchronous, and edge-friendly development patterns
The Story of Spaz: How to Give Away Everything, Make No Money, and Still Win
Talk by
Ed Finkler
The Story of Spaz: How to Give Away Everything, Make No Money, and Still Win
09:00 |
Open Source Communities and Chocolate Chip Cookies
Keynote by
Elizabeth Naramore Barron
Open Source Communities and Chocolate Chip Cookies
10:10 |
HTML5 Websockets
Talk by
Scott Mattocks
HTML5 Websockets
N Things You Didn’t Know Apache Could Do
Talk by
Rich Bowen
N Things You Didn’t Know Apache Could Do
ZeroMQ Is The Answer
Talk by
Ian Barber
ZeroMQ Is The Answer
11:10 |
Frontend Caching — The New Frontier
Talk by
Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson
Frontend Caching — The New Frontier
Git’s Meat Cleavers: Rebasing, bisecting, and other fun with Git
Talk by
Travis Swicegood
Git’s Meat Cleavers: Rebasing, bisecting, and other fun with Git
Learn to use Jenkins (formerly Hudson) for testing, deployment, and devops process automation
Talk by
David Strauss
Learn to use Jenkins (formerly Hudson) for testing, deployment, and devops process automation
13:00 |
Developing and Deploying High Performance PHP Applications
Talk by
Christopher Jones
Developing and Deploying High Performance PHP Applications
Of (PHP) Sessions, Cookies, and Authentication
Talk by
gerard sychay
(1 hour)
Of (PHP) Sessions, Cookies, and Authentication
Write PHP, Deploy Everywhere
Talk by
Michelangelo van Dam
Write PHP, Deploy Everywhere
14:00 |
Node.js for PHP Developers
Talk by
David Coallier
Node.js for PHP Developers
The Last Authentication System You Will Ever Write
Talk by
Jason Austin
The Last Authentication System You Will Ever Write
Your App Runs In the Cloud, But Does It Scale?
Talk by
Peter C. Laudati
Your App Runs In the Cloud, But Does It Scale?
15:00 |
Accessing Web Resources with PHP
Talk by
Matthew Turland
(1 hour)
Accessing Web Resources with PHP
Designing Beautiful Software
Talk by
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Designing Beautiful Software
Geolocation and Maps with PHP
Talk by
Derick Rethans
Geolocation and Maps with PHP
16:00 |
Best Practice in Web Service Design
Talk by
Lorna Mitchell
Best Practice in Web Service Design
Beyond the Browser: Adding voice, SMS, and IM to your web applications
Talk by
Adam Kalsey
Beyond the Browser: Adding voice, SMS, and IM to your web applications
Think Like an Ant, Distribute the Workload.
Talk by
Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson
Think Like an Ant, Distribute the Workload.
17:00 |
Stackbox CMS: Next-Generation Content Management
Talk by
Vance Lucas
Stackbox CMS: Next-Generation Content Management
JavaScript Tools and Frameworks Faves
Talk by
Anna Filina
JavaScript Tools and Frameworks Faves
Write A Better FM
Talk by
Rich Bowen
Write A Better FM