Ibuildings is proud to organize the eleventh Dutch PHP Conference on June 30 and July 1, plus a pre-conference tutorial day on June 29. Both programs will be completely in English so the only Dutch thing about it is the location. Keywords for these days: Know-how, Technology, Best Practices, Networking, Tips & Tricks.
Sessions | |
09:30 |
John Le Drew |
Maximiliano Firtman |
13:45 | Discovering Your Skateboard & Delivering the Most Valuable Features |
Sessions | |
09:30 | |
10:45 |
Jesse van Muijden |
Adventures in MySQL - 10 Awesome features you're probably not using |
11:45 |
Maximiliano Firtman |
Managing dependencies is more than running "composer update" |
13:30 | Uncon: Implementing Serverless PHP: Under the hood of OpenWhisk |
14:30 | |
15:45 | Pushing the limits of PHP with React PHP - why React PHP is awesome and why you should care |
Julien Pauli |
16:45 | Uncon: Creating web developers Clinton Ingrams |
Scato Eggen |
Sessions | |
09:45 | Uncon: Real-time HTTP inspection on production with Camilla Proxy Richard Tuin |
10:45 |
Thijs Feryn |
11:45 | Zend Thread Safety , how PHP engine works in a threaded env Julien Pauli |
Empathy As A Service: Supporting Mental Health in the Tech Workplace |
Zero Knowledge; Meeting the Growing Demand for Security and Privacy in a National Security World |
13:30 | Drupal8 for Symfony developers Antonio Peric |
14:30 | Uncon: Docker from Scratch: How does this even work? Niklas Dzösch |
15:45 |