Ibuildings is proud to organize the eleventh Dutch PHP Conference on June 30 and July 1, plus a pre-conference tutorial day on June 29. Both programs will be completely in English so the only Dutch thing about it is the location. Keywords for these days: Know-how, Technology, Best Practices, Networking, Tips & Tricks.

Event Related

Thursday, 29th June 2017


Docker Festival

Matthias Noback, Lucas

Lockdown - Linux security 101

Liam Wiltshire

Lean and functional domain modelling

Marcello Duarte

Mob Programming

John Le Drew

ES6 and You: The future is now!

Jordan Kasper

Progressive Web Apps

Maximiliano Firtman

Introduction to EventStorming

Jeroen v.d. Gulik

Thinking in events

Mariusz Gil


Continuous Delivery with Jenkins 2

Giorgio Sironi

Drupal8 for Symfony developers

Antonio Peric

Discovering Your Skateboard & Delivering the Most Valuable Features

Emily Stamey

Friday, 30th June 2017


Keynote: Beyond Code



Docker from Development to Production: Streamlining the CI/CD process for the new BALR. e-commerce application

Jesse van Muijden

XP in Practise

Ben Waine

HTTP/2.0 101 Introduction

Bastian Hofmann

Adventures in MySQL - 10 Awesome features you're probably not using

Liam Wiltshire

Cooperative Multitasking With Generators

Christopher Pitt


Climbing the Abstract Syntax Tree

James Titcumb

Practical privacy - GDPR explained

Marcus Bointon

Introduction to the Semantic Web

Arnout Boks

Breaking Limits on the Web

Maximiliano Firtman

Managing dependencies is more than running "composer update"

Nils Adermann

Uncon: Swearing, Nudity and Other Vulnerable Positions

John Le Drew


Locate all the things

Derick Rethans

Ethical Engineering

Christopher Hoult

I deploy on Fridays (and maybe you should too)

Michiel Rook

Caching with PSR-6 and PSR-16

Hannes Van De Vreken

Several years of SOLID-aware development

Jasper Stafleu

Uncon: Implementing Serverless PHP: Under the hood of OpenWhisk

Rob Allen


Succeeding as an Introvert

Elizabeth Zagroba

Time Series with Apache Cassandra: the basics

Michiel Sypkens Smit

Long running PHP Processes

Giorgio Sironi

ERD, Flowcharts, and Other Documentation

Anna Filina

50 Shades of Backup

Sebastian Feldmann

Uncon: ELM: the runtime error killer (frontend)

Jordy Moos


Going Viral for Fun, not Profit

Ben Dechrai

The first few milliseconds of HTTPS

Joshua Thijssen

Pushing the limits of PHP with React PHP - why React PHP is awesome and why you should care

Christian Lück

TCP/IP for the masses

Julien Pauli

What's Your Skateboard?

Emily Stamey

Uncon: A practical introduction to snapshot testing

Freek Van der Herten

Uncon talk: Deadline pressure

Tim Huijzers


43 PhpStorm Tips & Tricks

Gary Hockin

Effective Browser JavaScript Debugging

Vance Lucas

Learning Machine Learning

Joel Lord

GraphQL is right in front of us, let's do it, with Symfony

Renato Mendes Figueiredo

Taking out the legacy, the microservice approach

Niels van Esch

Uncon: Creating web developers

Clinton Ingrams

Uncon: Why do we write tests

Scato Eggen

Saturday, 1st July 2017


Continuously delivering containerized, highly available microservices with proper context boundaries and messaging integration

Matthias Noback

Making BDD work for you

Nikolas Martens

Database migrations with zero downtime

Michiel Rook

Progressive Web Apps in the Wild

Rowan Merewood

CouchDB, PouchDB and Offline-Tolerant Apps

Lorna Mitchell

Uncon: Real-time HTTP inspection on production with Camilla Proxy

Richard Tuin


It's all about the goto

Derick Rethans

Beating the Pentester

Boy Baukema


Christopher Pitt

Juggling features to production: Continuous Delivery in PHP

Hamid Reza Koushki

Paradoxes and theorems every developer should know

Joshua Thijssen

Uncon: Proxy SQL

Thijs Feryn


You Don’t Node.js

Vance Lucas

Zend Thread Safety , how PHP engine works in a threaded env

Julien Pauli

Bruce Lee Driven Development

Jeroen v.d. Gulik

Empathy As A Service: Supporting Mental Health in the Tech Workplace

Nara Kasbergen

Zero Knowledge; Meeting the Growing Demand for Security and Privacy in a National Security World

Ben Dechrai

Uncon: Shhh... Keeping secrets with Vault & Consul

Gabriel Somoza

Uncon: Acceptance testing

Deniz Zoeteman


Tales from the wrong end

Marcus Bointon

Graphs are Everywhere

Christopher Hoult

Review unknown code with static analysis

Damien Seguy

Elastic scaling in a (micro)service oriented architecture

Bastian Hofmann

Drupal8 for Symfony developers

Antonio Peric

Uncon: Analysing your logs with ELK and Docker

Melvin louwerse


Nuclear powered software security

Christopher Riley

The (Awesome) Future of Web Apps

Jad Joubran

Golang for PHP developers: A practical introduction

Richard Tuin

Creating a realtime dashboard with PHP and websockets

Freek Van der Herten

Functional Programming for Dummies*

Scato Eggen

Uncon: Docker from Scratch: How does this even work?

Niklas Dzösch


Voodoo PHP

Marco Pivetta